A. Body Composition
My Values Normal Range (given my height of 5'6")Weight 148.4 lbs. 110.5 ~ 149.6
Muscle Mass 53.4 lbs. 49.6 ~ 60.6
Body Fat Mass 50.5 lbs. 26.0 ~ 41.6 (EEEKKKKK!!!)
B. Obesity Diagnosis
My Values Normal Range
Body Mass Index 24.0 18.5 ~ 25 (Oh my, isang donut na lang overweight na!)
Percent Body Fat 34 18.0 ~ 28
Waist Hip Ratio 0.82 0.70 ~ 0.80
Body Metabolic Rate 1329 1377 ~ 1601
C. Muscle Fat Control
Muscle Control + 2.2 lbs
Fat Control - 20.5 lbs
FITNESS SCORE: 70 (passing score is 75)
What I am doing so far.....
I've been attending the aerobics class every Tuesday for about a month now. But since it's volleyball and badminton season once again (our office holds inter-company tourneys), I'd have to let go of that. After the tourneys, apart from the aero class, I plan to attend the dance class as well and continue my weight training program after aero/dance classes.
I've also been lifting weights at home. But I only get to do it like once a week. I guess I would have to do it more frequently from now on.
I am also trying to stay away from junk food. I had minor relapses but I made it a point not to purchase chips and similar items when we do grocery shopping. I also buy lots of yogurt and put them in the freezer. I substitute frozen yogurt to ice cream but I do give in and enjoy a cup once in a while.
One thing I am so reluctant to give up is my coffee fix. This coffee "addiction" started only last year. Now, I cannot let a day pass without enjoying a cup or two. It also doesn't help that our office pantry serves really good brewed coffee. The thing is, I don't enjoy black coffee with sugar. It has to be Cafe Mocha. Yup, with creamer, Milo or Ovaltine and muscovado sugar. So, I can imagine the extra calories this fix of mine brings me. But I know I have to limit it to one cup a day at least. I will start next week by substituting a cup of green tea to my morning coffee.
It's not that I want to have a bikini-worthy body (though I wouldn't mind having that. haha!). I just miss wearing my old clothes and I just want to feel confident wearing body-hugging tops once again.
Target weight loss is 18lbs.
Wish me luck!