Sunday, October 28, 2012

Little Vallesteroses

It's been said lots of times but I will dare to say it again. When it comes to our children, time really does fly so fast.
Case in point: Here's my Lucas. All grown up. (Well, okay. He's just 4. But still, I cannot help but compare him to the 6-month old baby who looks at me then like I am his next meal (which, at that time, I admittedly am in  a way...)

 Last October 1. Bonding with cousins @ Rub Ribs
Our littlest. Eugene's look-a-like, Alexa
Kuya Lucas and our little princess
Fast forward to October 26. We took advantage of the long weekend by driving up to Tagaytay to celebrate our birthdays. We had lunch at Tootsie's and had dessert at Bag of Beans.
 Kuya Einar, Kuya Enrico, Lucas and Alexa @ Tootsie's
 Alexa's chubby kagigil cheeks. Another case on how fast they grow, this pic and the one of her above were taken just three weeks apart. See how she grew?
 The boys on our way home from the fun trip.
I still remember when JJ and I were just bf/gf. Kuya Einar was around Lucas's age and Kuya Enrico was just weeks old when i first met them, look at them now. Binata na.
Hay. Can we selectively stop time?